Friday, February 11, 2011

Engage Meeting 02.11.11

Hey, everyone! We had a successful Engage meeting, even though there were only a few of us present this week. Mr. Loeser came to talk to us about the Pregnancy Support Center and how we could help them if we choose to make abortion the mission of our year.

Some facts about the Pregnancy Support Center:
1. They are a Christianity-based organization that helps soon-to-be single moms (and also sometimes the fathers of the children) with their upcoming pregnancies and childcare. They counsel the parents about alternatives to abortion, and inform them of the sanctity of life. Their long-term goal is to see babies get born, and lead these families to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
2. The Center services a huge area, that includes Prince Edward, Richmond, Charlottesville, Lynchburg, and even goes as far south as North Carolina!
3. The Center has a very small budget, and only 1-2 paid positions. They rely heavily on fund-raising, church involvement, and volunteers.

Some ways that we can help:
1. The Walk For Life and the Heart of Virginia festival: These are two large opportunities for fund-raising for the center.
2. Flower bed maintenance at the Center.
3. Helping at the Center's yard sale.
4. Helping to teach the Abstinence Program in area schools.
5. Baby Showers: churches "adopt" a soon-to-be single mother in their area and throw them a baby shower. It helps the mother to get much needed supplies, and also introduces them to a Christian community.

If anyone is interested in any of the above, we will be talking about them soon. If anyone has any alternative ideas/visions for 2011, please bring information to the meeting four weeks from now.

As for the next meeting, we will be meeting at New Covenant Fellowship for our dinner with the Silver Threads. Hope to see everyone there!


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